Brighton’s Leading

Cellulite Treatment

Since 2013.

Expert Cellulite Solutions in Brighton

What is ‘Cellulite’?

When fat cells increase, they push up against the skin. At the same time, this causes some long connective cords in your body tissue to pull down. These together cause the classic ‘orange peel’ effect (dimpled and uneven), that we know as cellulite. It can occur on the thighs, hips, buttocks and even abdomen.

Did you know?

Cellulite affects up to 90% of women at some point in their lives. And while it does occur in men, cellulite is more common in women due to the structure of their connective tissue.

Note to self…

Oftentimes, cellulite is not your fault, so don’t beat yourself up! And most of the time, something can be done about it too. If cellulite is getting you down. Let’s find out why, treat it and bring your confidence back.

Cellulite Reduction

Now with the 3rd Generation Lipofirm machine (Lipofirm MED+) it is a treatment that we’ve been doing (at least 6 times a day) since mid-2018. Like everything else technology lead, the science has progressed but the patented ‘Tri-Polar + DMA’ still remains.

This treatment is a very unique tool when it comes to cellulite reduction and improving the texture and ‘smoothness’ of the skin. The detail of this is explained further down the page but in brief; muscle tissue, subcutaneous fat cells and all 3 layers of skin are being worked on simultaneously for the entire duration of the treatment. What does that mean? It means that the action of the treatment is one of depth, and lasting change, not superficial and short lived. It means that you can ‘shape, tighten and tone’ an area such as your legs and bum. You might say the ‘unique’ element is actually down to you. Simply put, the greater the intensity of the procedure settings (tilted towards Cellulite reduction) the greater the results.

In one sense and solely from our point of view, it would be easier if an alternative cellulite reduction and skin tightening machine could surpass the Lipofirm MED+. The reason for this is simply down to sourcing parts and consumables. Lumenis (formally Pollagen) are a formidable innovator and aesthetic manufacturer, but they are now looking to dominate the ‘US’ market with a much higher price point and population reach. These parts and consumables then incur shipping and import duty fees on top of the increased costs. We wouldn’t be surprised to see the cost of single Lipofirm Cellulite Reduction treatment (in America’s big cities) by mid-2025 be around $500.

Rest assured though, we’re a long way off that yet.

What is cellulite?

At A Glance

Duration of treatment:

40 minutes per area

Level of discomfort:

Variable and largely dependent upon tolerance (please get in touch for more information)


Auto immune (moderate – severe), pregnancy, electrical implant devices (pacemaker etc)



1 – 2 = the area can feel and appear a little bruised for 2 – 3 days but should not interfere with your daily routine. If having this treatment done on your legs it be best advised to avoid any strength or resistance training 48 hours before the treatment each week.


The unique element to this treatment, the ‘Tri-Polar Radio Frequency and DMA’ (Dynamic Muscle Activation) can mean that you notice an improvement after the first session. Your skin will feel and appear a bit tighter, more toned and lifted. Though it is important to note, the Lipofirm MED+ (like most other ‘aesthetic’ procedures) is regenerative and cumulative so volume and frequency of treatments will dictate results.

Effective for:

Cellulite reduction for both fronts of legs (quadriceps area), backs of legs (hamstrings) and bum (lower and upper glutes). Settings are tweaked and optimised in accordance to what the individual needs. In summary, we can improve skin texture and appearance. A ‘relative’ amount of shaping (through fat reduction and muscle volume increase) can also be achieved, whilst optimising ‘smoothness’ of the area.

Number of treatments:

6 – 12 on average. Single sessions are often done as ‘top ups’ after an individual has done a course of sessions. These are often done before a holiday or from time to time for maintenance etc.

Treatment preparation required:

No preparation is required for this treatment.

What Treatment Do We Use And How Does It Work?

Cellulite reduction is an area that we quite literally, spend all day on. We’re currently using the Lipofirm MED+, this machine was new for 2023 and is the 3rd generation installment of the ‘Lipofirm Pro’s’ ground-breaking technology.

Over the years there have been 3 main technology-driven options for Cellulite reduction, these are: Radio Frequency (a progressive treatment & often used with Micro-needling), Ultrasonic Cavitation, & Vacuum Mechanical Massage (Endermologie).

We use the Lipofirm MED for 2 reasons, reason 1:

The radio frequency (RF) aspect of the treatment is at the Tri-Polar (tri wave) level. This simply means it’s the most powerful type of radio frequency currently available. The purpose of radio frequency is to cause ‘controlled heat trauma’ to the skin. This, in turn, creates the production of new collagen and elastin from within the skin cells. This results in an improvement in skin tone and texture.  

Reason 2; This is the unique element, DMA (dynamic muscle activation).

At the same time the RF is being delivered, there is a muscle contracting element within the handpiece, this element squeezes your contractile protein within the muscle cells all the way up to the epidermis layer of skin. Between muscle and skin, there is a layer of subcutaneous fat which is squeezed and compressed hundreds of times throughout the treatment. The body then eliminates these localized fat deposits naturally through your lymphatic system.

Now, the key bit. Combining these 2 elements into 1 treatment gives a highly credible solution for Cellulite reduction, reducing localized fat and greatly improving skin tone and texture. 70% of cellulite reduction treatments that we perform; are done on the hamstring, outer thigh, and saddle bag area. In this area, the higher that we can take the DMA settings, the better the results as more fat reduction occurs. So, it’s a 40-minute treatment once a week, if you have a good level of tolerance for moderate discomfort then it will pay off greatly.  It is never painful, just uncomfortable, we find where your tolerance level is and then keep it there for the duration of the treatment.

What is cellulite?

What Causes Cellulite?

  • Diet

    Too much fat, carbs and salt will increase your likelihood of the visible cellulite effect.

  • Lifestyle

    Your lifestyle choices are also top of the list for giving cellulite a helping hand. Lack of regular movement and smoking are both up there.

  • Genetics

    And while you can’t change genetic components or pre-dispositions that make some more prone to cellulite than others, you can counter balance them and reduce cellulite with healthy lifestyle choices, diet and exercise.

  • Hormonal Factors

    Estrogen (also known as oestrogen), insulin and thyroid hormones to name a few can play a part in cellulite production. Which is why it affect women more than men.

  • Tight Clothing

    Yes, it’s true! Tight clothes, especially underwear, that are tight enough to limit blood flow to certain areas can contribute to the formation of cellulite.

Cellulite Treatment

Before & After Treatment

Before cellulite treatment in BrightonAfter cellulite treatment in Brighton

Why Have Cellulite Reduction With Us?

As a Clinic we don’t offer an extensive list of treatments to just provide ‘more treatments’. We do now and have always focused on a few key areas, that fall in line with our unique stance on regenerative, optimisation procedures.

The large majority of these treatments should come into play once the basics are covered first, as individuals we should look to adopt a ‘balanced’ lifestyle as best we can. Exercise, hydration and nutrition will set the base from which to work from. THEN, it would be beneficial to pursue technology derived treatments that can optimize your physique and assist you in feeling healthier, happier and more confident. Regenerative treatments work at their best when the body is in a positive footing from which to regenerate from.

Cellulite Reduction, along with Fat Reduction and Body Contouring is the core focus behind the clinic and the area in which our passion and pursuit of innovative treatment-lead solutions sits.

At this moment in time, the Lipofirm MED+ offers the best of what these cutting-edge technologies can provide.

In one sense, It would be more convenient for us if an alternative cellulite reduction and skin tightening machine could outperform the Lipofirm MED+, this is because it would be easier to source parts and consumables. Lumenis (formerly Pollogen) is a formidable innovator and aesthetic manufacturer, but they are now focusing on dominating the US market with a much higher price point and a larger reach. This means that parts and consumables incur shipping and import duty fees, adding to the overall costs. It wouldn’t be surprising to see the cost of a single Lipofirm Cellulite Reduction treatment in major US cities reach around $700 by mid-2025. However, we are still far from reaching that point here in Sussex.

Want to Visit Our Body Clinic? 39B Salisbury Road, Hove, BN3 3AA

Want to Visit Our Body Clinic? 39B Salisbury Road, Hove, BN3 3AA

Start Your Cellulite Treatment With Us Today In Brighton

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