Milia treatment | Brighton

Milia Treatment2024-12-17T15:38:34+00:00

Milia Treatment

Milia are very small, raised, pearly-white or yellowish bumps on the skin. They are most often seen on the skin around the cheeks, nose, eyes and eyelids, forehead and chest. However, they can occur anywhere on the body. Milia are very common in new born babies but can affect people of any age.

Milia are harmless and, in most cases, they will eventually clear by themselves. In babies, they clear after a few weeks. However, in some people, Milia can persist for months or sometimes longer. Secondary Milia is sometimes permanent.

Because they normally clear by themselves, milia do not usually need any treatment. However, some people find milia unsightly and so opt for treatment.


Our Solution

Milia may be removed using our Thermavein treatment, the process is safe, quick and effective. The process is Veinwave’s flagship treatment and makes other options simply incomparable.

Our objective is to simply provide the most effective solutions for various skin conditions and complaints including the most challenging. We match the best of what current technology and industry advancements has to offer with these issue to provide our service.

Thermavein® Laser IPL Epilation Diathermy
Risk of Scarring None High Low Medium High
Typical Results Instant 6-8 Weeks Up to 6 Months Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory
Risk of Burns None High High None High
Estimate Pain Level Minimal Potentially High High High High
Likelihood of Recurrence None Unlikely Highly Likely Highly Likely Highly Likely
Average Treatments Required 1 3+ 5+ 1 2+









Want to Visit Our Body Clinic? 39B Salisbury Road, Hove, BN3 3AA

Want to Visit Our Body Clinic? 39B Salisbury Road, Hove, BN3 3AA

Start your Milia Treatment journey with us today in Brighton!

Want to talk about your body concerns? Contact us to arrange a free consultation and find out what we can do for you.

Start your Milia Treatment journey with us today in Brighton!

Want to talk about your body or face concerns? Contact us to arrange a free consultation and find out what we can do for you.

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