As a side effect of acne, scarring can occasionally appear. Scarring can result from any type of acne spot, but it happens more frequently when the worst kinds of spots break and harm the neighbouring skin.

It’s crucial to avoid picking or squeezing your spots because doing so can leave scars. For other people, acne scars serve as an unwelcome reminder of an uncomfortable and unpleasant condition. Fortunately, there are several natural cures and medical procedures that may be used to treat acne scars, so they don’t have to be permanent.

Skincare Home Remedies

Many over-the-counter remedies can assist people in controlling their acne and minimising the visibility of scars.

Salicylic Acid

A naturally present substance called salicylic acid is frequently found in acne skin care treatments. Salicylic acid aids in removing dirt, dead skin cells, and other debris from the skin’s pores that causes acne.

Additionally, it aids in reducing localised inflammation and redness, which may lessen the appearance of scarring.

All forms of scars respond favourably to salicylic acid. For the majority of acne sufferers, it is a beneficial supplement to a daily skin care regimen.

Before applying a product containing this acid on their full face, those with sensitive skin may need to test it on a tiny patch of skin first because it may irritate or dry up the skin.


Another acne treatment with benefits for scar-smoothing is topical retinoids. Retinoids can help decrease discolouration and hide scars in addition to accelerating cell regeneration and enhancing skin texture.

However, they can also increase how sensitive to the sun your skin is. Wear sunscreen every day when using retinoids-containing products.

Retinoids are present in many over-the-counter lotions and serums, but a doctor can also prescribe products with stronger quantities. Seek out items with retinol listed as one of the active components.

Alpha Hydroxy Acids

Since they assist in removing dead skin cells and preventing clogged pores, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) are frequently present in acne treatment solutions. Even better, AHAs can assist in lessening the visibility of acne scars. To assist remove rough skin and discolouration, the mild acid gently exfoliates the top layer of the skin.

Lactic Acid

Lactic acid can be used as a mild exfoliant to remove dead skin cells. It might lessen the visibility of scars and improve the skin’s general texture.

Although it occasionally results in hyperpigmentation, lactic acid may also help lighten black scar tissue. It is best to test lactic acid-containing products on a tiny patch of skin before using them to treat acne scarring due to this potential side effect.

Lactic acid is an ingredient in several acne treatments. Additionally, it can be found in diluted apple cider vinegar, which offers a more natural and affordable alternative.


Over scars, it’s crucial to wear sunscreen every day. Scars can become darker by exposure to the sun, becoming more obvious.

Clinical Treatment

The best way to treat acne and acne scars is with good skin care, chemical peels, and LED light therapy. Both of those treatments have undergone significant improvements in recent years, making them the most successful they have ever been.

Here at Clinic 33, our objective is to offer efficient treatments for a variety of skin issues, even the most challenging ones. To provide our service and, therefore, change the appearance of your skin or body if you are dissatisfied with it, we combine the best available modern technology, industrial innovations, and biological understanding.

In removing acne and acne scars, we use medical-grade chemical peels and aftercare treatments from Medik8 and Sesderma, as well as Dermalux LED light therapy. A skin care company established in Spain that specialises in Nano dermatology is called Sesderma. Their funding for research and development is unmatched in the industry. In comparison to Sesderma, the British skincare line Medik8 offers high-quality but less powerful products. The majority of acne concerns, according to our research, are addressed by the combination of the two brands.

The bottom line

Acne scars can be annoying, serve as an unwelcome reminder of acne, and lower some people’s self-esteem, but they don’t have to be permanent.

Preventing acne in the first place is the best strategy to deal with acne scars. If your breakouts are less frequent, you’re less likely to get acne scars. No matter how tempting it may be, refrain from popping, plucking, or squeezing any breakouts to avoid irritating the skin and harming the underlying tissue, which can result in scarring.