As of March 2022 we have been doing this treatment (in its various technological evolutions) for just over 9 years. In this time we are pleased to say that we have not experienced any adverse reactions or side effects from the treatment. We are currently around the 4000 treatment mark, give or take a couple.
There have been 4 evolutions of the technology since 2013 with each bringing an increase in comfort, improved results and more variations in the treatment cup size. 2020 saw the arrival of Cryo 360 in which the entire treatment cup is a frozen piece with real time bio temperature sensors to track and maintain the temperature of fat freezing, this basically means it’s a massive leap forward from what was done before.
Any after effects will be short lived but can be 1 or more of the following:
- Redness
- Bruising
- Swelling
- Tenderness
- Numbness
There is no ‘magic wand’ and nor will there be, when it comes to spot reduction of body fat in a specific area, this is the closest to such a tool that there currently is.