

Fat Freezing & Cryotherapy Treatment Eastbourne2024-08-19T17:07:36+01:00

Fat Freezing & Cryotherapy In Eastbourne

Fat freezing is a non-surgical method of permanent fat reduction which avoids any invasive surgery.

Enquire about booking a course of treatments with Clinic 33

At A Glance

Duration of treatment:

40 minutes

Level of discomfort:

Minimal (used to be uncomfortable on previous generation machines)


Pregnancy & breast feeding, Hernia in area of treatment, severe Reynaud’s disease, Cryoglobulinemia



1 = the area can feel a little tender or sensitive for 2 – 3 days but should not interfere with your daily routine. Bruising can occur where the suction needs to be slightly higher, such as the flanks (love handles)


25 – 70% fat reduction of any area treated, most suitable for individuals with a body fat composition of under 40%

Effective for:

Fat reduction in the body (it can be done on the chin but we prefer to use Lipofirm Pro for this as we find it to be more effective)

Number of treatments:

1 – 3 on average

Treatment preparation required:

Yes, optimised hydration (limited alcohol before and after, increased water intake before and after)

Cryotherapy treatment

What is Fat Freezing?

Cryolipolysis, often known as fat freezing, is a non-invasive treatment of fat reduction. It employs extreme cold to completely eliminate obstinate areas of fat that workout and healthy eating have failed to target.

You get a more toned, contoured shape and a slimmer visual appearance after just a few weeks.

The procedure has gained popularity since it is rapid, does not require surgery, and is an alternative to liposuction, which involves sucking fat from beneath the skin under general anaesthesia so it’s practically a painless and safer alternative.

  • No needles, blades or wounds
  • Treatment is completed quickly
  • No risk of infection
  • No interruption to daily life
  • It is popular because it is effective

How doe Cryotherapy work to remove body fat?

A protective membrane is placed on the skin at the targeted treatment region during a Fat Freezing treatment, then a vacuum applicator head is placed on top, suction pressure is applied, and the cooling process begins.

Between 30 and 60 minutes, the subcutaneous fat within the treatment head is exposed to below freezing temperatures.

Fat cells are irreversibly killed when they are frozen. Fat cells trigger apoptosis (cell death) when they are cooled to minus-zero temperatures as they’re more temperature-sensitive than other cells.

Skin tissue and surrounding cells are not damaged as adipose tissue begins to break down from a solid to a liquid composition.

The body progressively flushes away the dead fat cells via the lymphatic system over the next few weeks. The procedure is absolutely pain-free and the end result is a slimmer and more toned appearance. Fat cells diminish when you lose weight, but they never completely vanish, the cells still have the ability to store fat. However, as a result of this fat freezing, fat cells in question will be unable to re-inflate in the future.

How does cryotherapy get rid of body fat?

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Where can cryotherapy treat?

What regions of the body can be treated with Cryotherapy?

  • Stomach, upper and lower

  • Flanks (love handles)
  • Chest (men only)

  • Inner thighs
  • Saddle bags
  • Lower glutes
  • Bra line (back)
  • Arms (tricep area only)
  • Upper pectoral, front armpit area
  • Inner knees

Fat Freezing using the Cryo 360+ machine at our Eastbourne Clinic

Watch our short video explaining some of the updates and advancements made through the latest machine, Cryo 360+. Understand exactly how we use this for our Cryotherapy treatment Eastbourne

Cryotherapy Treatment Results in Eastbourne

From a treatment perspective, you lose between 30 – 70% of what goes in the applicator head. The time frame for this (on average) is 3 – 8 weeks.

LED Phototherapy
Before & After Treatment

Before LED PhototherapyAfter LED Phototherapy

Summary of Cryotherapy benefits:

  • Next to no downtime.
  • Permanent results.
  • Safe, non-surgical and clinically proven.
  • Relatively comfortable and no sedation.
  • Fast treatment time.
  • Non-invasive alternative to Liposuction.
  • Effective for spot reducing hard-to-shift body fat.

“My weight on the scales has not changed however people keep telling me how much weight I have lost and I have been able to wear things I have not fitted in to for years. My stomach is noticeably much flatter and I feel more confident and happy. The fact the treatment didn’t hurt at all, was quick and had no downtime makes it even better. I would recommend this to anyone!”

Vicky Eldridge - Editor of Cosmetic News

“I had a lipoglaze treatment done, and it is amazing! The nutritionist and personal trainer work together to design for each individual a personalised nutritional plan and a personalised exercise program. This, combined with Lipoglaze does wonders! It’s with no doubt the best non-invasive treatment on the market for weight loss.”

Yamileth Doyle

“Friendly, efficient and above all, effective treatments. Lipoglaze is a quick, safe and effective option for fat removal compared to invasive surgical procedures. It is accompanied by excellent nutritional advice completely individually tailored, and any questions are answered in a fast and easy to understand and follow manner. Highly recommended.”

Deborah Lush

Fat Freezing Treatment FAQ’s

When will i see the results from my Fat Freezing treatment?2022-03-16T12:36:57+00:00

Results are usually seen 3-9 weeks after your fat freezing treatment, although we have seen near full results in 4 weeks before (mostly with the under-30s).

We book all clients in for post measurement appointments at the 4 and 8 week mark to run a bio impedance check on our state of the art InBody 270 machine. (Body fat, BMR, Protein, Salt and Water content & Segmental fat analysis).

We also take pictures to ensure we have a full suite of data to help us monitor your results.

The 8 week mark is when we can determine if another treatment is needed or would be beneficial.

Cryotherapy (Fat Freezing) is a permanent procedure, it is one of the few Aesthetic treatments that can boast this, The cells cannot re-inflate once the treatment has been performed.

Why us?2022-03-16T13:14:45+00:00
  • Clinic 33’s co-founder focuses entirely and exclusively on this treatment alone and has done since 2013
  • We were the first to do this procedure in the south-east. We opened the clinic for this treatment and came from an industry that is focused entirely on weight loss, fat reduction, health, fitness and tracked results. It’s not for us to tell you that we are best, all we can do is give you the following information and let you decide for yourself…
  • We have had each evolution of Cryolipolysis since the beginning, which now totals 4 different machines each with incremental progressions.
  • As of August 2020 we have been using the latest and most advanced version to date, the ISO Cryo 360+. There are 2 of these in the south-east, we have one at each clinic location.
  • The 360 degree applicator treatment heads are 30% more effective than the previous generations of Cool sculpting, Lipo contrast & 3D Lipo’s version.
  • We have performed in excess of 4000 Fat Freezing procedures since 2013.
Who will be carrying out my treatment?2022-03-16T12:26:59+00:00

At Clinic 33, each of our consultants has a specialist field meaning that the consultant you see for this treatment has a wealth of experience in the fat reduction and weight loss sector and will only do this treatment.

This is one of the aspects that sets us apart to almost all other clinics that do this procedure. Kevin has been performing the treatment since 2013 and just focuses on this one particular procedure. He has over 15 years experience as a ‘Weight loss specialist’ and over 9 experience as a ‘Clinical weight loss consultant’.

You’d be hard pressed to find someone with more knowledge and expertise in this field, the extremely high level of referrals on this speak for themselves.

Where will my treatment take place?2022-03-16T12:17:55+00:00

We currently have 2 clinic locations, Hove (Brighton and Hove) & Meads (Eastbourne). Clinic 33 was founded on this procedure in particular so each location has a treatment room dedicated entirely to it. We do not do ‘mobile’ appointments for any of our services.

What are the side effects of Fat Freezing treatments?2022-03-16T12:10:06+00:00

As of March 2022 we have been doing this treatment (in its various technological evolutions) for just over 9 years. In this time we are pleased to say that we have not experienced any adverse reactions or side effects from the treatment. We are currently around the 4000 treatment mark, give or take a couple.

There have been 4 evolutions of the technology since 2013 with each bringing an increase in comfort, improved results and more variations in the treatment cup size. 2020 saw the arrival of Cryo 360 in which the entire treatment cup is a frozen piece with real time bio temperature sensors to track and maintain the temperature of fat freezing, this basically means it’s a massive leap forward from what was done before.

Any after effects will be short lived but can be 1 or more of the following:

  • Redness
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Numbness

There is no ‘magic wand’ and nor will there be, when it comes to spot reduction of body fat in a specific area, this is the closest to such a tool that there currently is.

Is it painful? Is there any downtime needed?2022-03-16T11:46:21+00:00

Is it painful?

The large majority of non-invasive Aesthetic procedures tend to be ‘pain free’. Fat Freezing used to be much more uncomfortable a few years back on the older machines (Cool Sculpting, 3D Lipo, Lipocontrast etc) but since 2020 when the Cryo 360+ came out, it’s evolved to become much more tolerable, people normally always say ‘is that it? i was expecting much worse…’

In the real world what does that mean?

You’ll feel a pinch at the start, you’ll then feel the drop in temperature which will feel slightly ‘odd’.  Around 5 minutes it will go numb and you wont really feel anything until the treatment ends and the suction cup is taken away.  At this point your skin will be a touch red, numb to the touch for a few minutes until it warms back up. Within 10 – 15 minutes later, you wont really know you had it done.

You may feel bruised for a couple of days to follow, which more often than not will not be visible as it is bruising under the skin. Again this will subside within a day or two.


In theory you could go from the clinic to the gym, there is nothing from a rest stand point that needs to be adhered too. Point being, your day can continue as planned.

How much does a Fat Freezing treatment cost?2024-08-16T16:44:45+01:00

We have restructured our pricing for 2022 on this treatment, contrary to many other clinics we’ve actually reduced the cost. We’ve been able to do this due to us having a direct relationship with the manufacturer of both the Cryo 360 Fat Freezing machines and the protective membranes used for the procedure. We’ve made it as clear as possible on our pricing page but should you need any further information please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Are you considering Fat Freezing? Contact our Eastbourne Clinic today

Do you have any questions or worries regarding your body or face? To learn more about what we can do for you, schedule a free consultation with us.

The Clinic 33 Blog

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